Ask Mary Ellen's Blog

Wisdom, Knowledge and Blessings from Ask Mary Ellen

Forgiveness is Powerful Medicine

Forgiveness is Powerful Medicine

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Next to learning to love yourself, nothing is more powerful for the healing of deep wounds than forgiveness. Most people have misconceptions about the true nature of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not only about extending goodness and mercy to those who have caused you pain; it is about loving yourself enough to forgive yourself for listening…

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A woman standing in the water near some trees.


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What is Mindfulness? We hear a lot about Mindfulness and what exactly is meant by that term – Mindfulness – and what is the difference between Spirituality, Attitudinal Awareness and Mindfulness. Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul instead of material or physical things. Attitudinal Awareness is being aware…

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A woman standing on top of a hill with mountains in the background.

Learning to Love YOURSELF!

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One of the most difficult lessons we must learn through living is learning to “Love Yourselfâ€. You are born with the natural ability to love – unconditionally. You are born a clean slate full of this wonderful loving feeling. Yet slowly day by day without even our knowledge we are taught our “unlovingnessâ€. The societal…

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A woman standing on the side of a building near the ocean.

Excuses & Forgiveness

Take what God has given you and make the most of your life! Quit making excuses! I know so many people who instead of taking responsibility for their life and creating the life they really want –  will talk and talk and talk giving reason after reason to “justify” the life they are not happy…

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A woman standing in front of an old greek temple.

Good & Worthy

You are born worthy – your worth is intertwined with your very being. The concept of your self-worth is reinforced by your actions. I am not talking about self esteem – that is simply how you feel about yourself at any given moment. Your worth is not your intelligence, talent, looks, etc… Your worth is…

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