Excuses & Forgiveness

Take what God has given you and make the most of your life! Quit making excuses! I know so many people who instead of taking responsibility for their life and creating the life they really want –  will talk and talk and talk giving reason after reason to “justify” the life they are not happy living. I find it interesting to observe this type of behavior. The best thing you can do for a person like this is to simply “act” like you are listening and allow them to keep their “reasons” for their life. They must “in truth” really like it or they would choose to change it. Through your example – make the most of your life with what God has given you.  This may inspire others to quit giving reasons and begin getting results!

Stop living in the past- kicking yourself for what you should have done or reliving events that were hurtful. Forgive yourself in order to “Free Yourself” and move into a peaceful abundant future. It is important for you to get up with the purpose of putting energy toward moving – physically and mentally into the future. Get up and get moving – physically and emotionally finding your purpose, your passion in life. Do not sit around the house feeling sorry for yourself. This will never fix anything. You must allow your energy to move. If you do not know where to begin -just start something – anything –  and you will be moved, by God, in a direction to follow. Today get up and get going- move!

Forgiveness is your key to freedom. Forgiveness is NOT an option in life. In order to be rid of bitterness, rage, anger or any form of malice you must practice forgiveness. This is your “heart medicine”. Forgiveness

Forgiveness teaches you to release your sadness and find gratitude as you learn your “life lessons”. It will free you from your emotional chains and give you the joy, freedom and peace you seek. Forgiveness is the inner work you do for yourself. You cannot heal without the blessing of forgiveness. Forgiveness takes time!  It does involve “letting go” of another person’s errors -it more importantly involves YOU forgiving yourself! Today be forgiving- become free!

Look upon the situations that happen to you- good and bad – as “gifts from God”. When your life is balanced it is easy to look at things as “gifts” from heaven or blessings. The true blessings from God come to us when we are going through our hardships. These are the times we must – through our struggles – learn about ourselves. Learn to change your perceptions and misperceptions about life. See the good things that happen to you as blessings in your life and look upon the difficult times as a “gift from God” to be turned into nuggets of gold. Your commitment to God – and your faith – will allow you to have a feeling of gratitude for all your life situations. Today be grateful for ALL of God’s gifts – it will change your energy and make you feel uplifted.

Look upon the situations that happen to you- good and bad – as “gifts from God”. When your life is balanced it is easy to look at things as “gifts” from heaven or blessings. The true blessings from God come to us when we are going through our hardships. These are the times we must – through our struggles – learn about ourselves. Learn to change your perceptions and misperceptions about life. See the good things that happen to you as blessings in your life and look upon the difficult times as a “gift from God” to be turned into nuggets of gold. Your commitment to God – and your faith – will allow you to have a feeling of gratitude for all your life situations. Today be grateful for ALL of God’s gifts – it will change your energy and make you feel uplifted.


  1. Janice Lumley on November 1, 2021 at 7:07 pm

    This hits the nail on the head…and always hanging a ‘tag’ on ‘It’ to justify bad behavior…God Helps those who Help Themselves 🙏
    Gratitude Friend