Mental Health

Mental Health

To be a good adult is hard work and requires great responsibility.  Joseph Stewart

  1. It does take work to be mentally healthy
  2. It takes awareness of your behaviors and your attitudes
  3. It takes managing your thoughts and your relationships


  • You can be happy for others, even when your own life is challenging.

This capacity to be happy for others AND to let them know you are happy for them, is a very important step towards achieving your own happiness and create strong mental health.

  • You are not envious of what others have.

You do not waste your time comparing yourself to others. You focus on what you want, you are content with what you have and know what is within your reach.

  • You set good boundaries in your relationships.

You know when to say, “no” and when to give yourself space and privacy. (Quiet time)


  • You take care of yourself.

Mentally healthy people care for others and not to the extent that they no longer maintain good self-care.




  • You help others around you.

The mentally healthiest and most resilient people are not self-focused. Even when their own circumstances change or are questionable, they will reach out to others providing support and friendship the best they can. In other words, they always lend a hand.


  • You keep trying when the going gets tough.

Even when you begin to lose hope or motivation, you keep going. You are persistent because you know in your Higher Purpose.


  • You enjoy the simple things in life.

You have positive experiences doing simple things. – going for a walk-in nature, laughing with friends, enjoying good music. You appreciate everything. It does not have to be exciting, elegant or expensive.


  • You let go of anger, resentment, or grudges of any kind.

Allow yourself to re-experience and feel these emotions as you open yourself up to forgiveness, awareness, love of Self.


  • You have something to look forward to doing or experiencing.

Plan an event, search your local community event page, even it is something as simple as going to a movie by yourself. Seeking these positive experiences decreases anxiety and lifts depression.

  • Wake up every morning being grateful for something.

Look forward to having a good day. Connect with positive, inspiring people. Acknowledge and appreciate good things as they happen.


Go forward this week incorporating all of these steps into your Mental Health Exercise Routine! 

I am always here to help you.
Sincerely with love,
Ask Mary Ellen




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